OCHO’s 2nd annual charity race was a huge success! Racers participated in either the 8 km, 4 km, & 1/2 mile to raise money for OCHO’s newest goal: Build a center for patients with special needs in Honduras.

Racing around the lush urban campuses of Friends School & Gilman School, participants were treated to technical race shirts, awards and raffle prizes, and perfect weather on Sunday of Labor Day.
Thanks to the generosity of participants, donors, & sponsors, we raised $6,000 – kick starting our goal to fund construction of a new school and rehab center for patients with special needs in Honduras.
OCHO is extremely grateful to our generous sponsors for supporting of our race and our outreach. Please show them some support for helping OCHO.

Silver sponsor:
Bronze Sponsors:
Star Sponsor:
Start training for OCHO K 2016!